Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Maybe California, Give and Curtain Call.

Well, I gotta admit that I am quite amazed by Give, especially by the way it ends. Sounds slightly like a Portishead rip-off, which is not necessarily a bad thing, except Portishead did it first, many years ago.
I am not yet sure about Curtain Call...at least you can actually hear the goddammned piano in it!
The visualette for Give is not at all offensive, not like Maybe California's, I gotta say!

Maybe California was released today in its entirety by Tori "herself". I've yet to decide how I feel about this one. I think they could've done so much more with the strings.

So that makes:
  1. Welcome to England
  2. Fire to Your Plain
  3. 500 Miles
  4. Maybe California
  5. Give
  6. Curtain Call

Looking forward to Lady in Blue and Mary Jane!

*Give and Curtain Call ripped from an online video streaming. Maybe California is CD-quality.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Do you know your place?

We should shine a light on
A light on
And the book of right-on's right on
It was right on.

I killed my dinner with karate
Kick 'em in the face, taste the body
Shallow work is the work that I do.

Do you want to sit in my table?
My fighting fame is fabled
And fortune finds me fit
And able.

And you do say
Oh. Oh.
That you do pray
Oh. Oh. Oh.
And you say
That you're OK.

Do you want to run with my pack?
Do you want to ride on my back?
Pray that what you lack does not distract.

And even when you run through my mind
Something else is in front, oh, you're behind
And I don't have to remind you
To stick with your kind.

And you do say
Ah. Oh.
That you do pray
Ah. Ah. Ah.
And you say
That you're OK.

And even when you touch my face
You know your place
And even when you touch my face
You know your place

And we should shine a light on
A light on
And the book of right-on's right on
It was right on.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dragonball Evolution.

Si me preguntan por qué fui a ver esta película, les diré la verdad:
la idea original era ir pachequito al cine y reir durante todo el desastre. Pero bueno, por azares del destino de repente me vi en la sala de cine completamente sobrio. Para mi sorpresa, me la pasé riendo absolutamente todo el rato. Claro, no durante las escenas "divertidas", como cuando al tonto ese le queman los huevos --- ¡DOS veces! (en esta escena casi toda la sala de cine se rió - aunque eso sólo lo asumo, es posible que hayan estado gritando "¡pobrecito!", pero como yo sólo hablo idiomas en los que tienes que invertir el cerebro, no estoy seguro de que así haya sido). Mi teoría es que la audiencia target de esta película son los jugadores de fut-bol - cuando le dije esto a un amigo, me dice, "los jugadores con síndrome de down", a lo que respondí, "no conozco otro tipo de jugadores". ¡Vayan a ver esta película si quieren sentirse mejor consigo mismos! ¿Que no era esa también la idea de Glitter en primer lugar?
La parte más cajeteada fue cuando, después de reunir Las 7 Esferas del Dragon™, Goku usa el único deseo perfecto que tiene para revivir al antipatiquísimo actor asiático ese (Yun-Fat Chow, el Maestro Roshi) - sólo puedo decir que la pelusa que se acumula debajo de mi cama tiene más talento actoral y muchisíma más gracia al decir chistes. Veo su cara y pienso en aquel viejo amigo mio llamado Aborto Post-Natal.
Cero guión, cero trama, efectos de $15 dólares. Todo en su lugar para ir al cine y matar 100 neuronas que nunca recuperarás. Lo siento por aquellos que sólo fueron con esas 100 que les quedaban.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

In Berlin.

There is thunder in Berlin;
We fell down under a moving sky.
When you walked into the room tonight,
Lighting took hold of my heart for a while.

You are all that I want,
You are all that I need.
Snow will come and cover this town;
If we freeze I want to freeze next to you;
City lights shine overheads;
I never want to leave you.

You are all that I want,
You are all that I need,
You are all that I've longed for this wintertime;
You are all that I need .

I've said it once (well...), and I'll say it again: music cannot be explained, although I do admire those who dare and try, and somewhat succeed. Maybe, though, for the most part, they describe what it makes them feel with a very fancy language, or compare it to things and feelings and whatnot. I am not like that. I am a bottom, in that regard (in that regard ;)). I would rather let music talk to me, and tell me what life is like. Often times, I find music describes someone to me, or it describes a situation, or a moment; it'll give life to a rainy afternoon, and keep you company through uncertain and rough times, and joyful times, too. It'll make you shake your ass, even if you don't like it. It'll heal you and slap your wrists.

(I know what it's like; I know what you're going through).

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Cultural differences.

We believe in helping those we care about, no matter what.
You believe in grading people, as you've been taught.
We believe in closeness and acceptance.
You believe in like-minded companions.
We believe in contrast and shades.
You believe in accomplishment.
New music excites me like a schoolgirl just discovering cock.
You elitist bastard, you.
We both appreciate honesty.

I ____ you.
You love the idea of possessing me.

Love Song No. 7.

Now that you're here and see
Every one of us seem to take the wrong way home.
Now that you're safe with me
Trying to get a handle on the neighbor's lawn.

We're safe and sound
So safer now
You're safe and sound
So safe for now

How does it taste to be swinging away for the night?
(As you walk away, it makes you feel sweet, warm)
Doctor said, "Son, you should carry a gun (for to) be alright"...
(For you didn't say what was but our soul)
But it's the way that you talk and it's the way that you move around
(No, not near, not a part to hear. The sounds we feel and the words we fear)
Gravity's one thing and
Gravity's something, but

How about coming down?
There's a time and place in which to be alone
(but lately it just don't seem so alluring)

You're no good, not around
Your elevator skipping all me best-dressed floors

We're safe and sound
So safe for now

Weird but you're back talking.

*Thanks to Freddo for helping with the lyrics.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tori Amos Remixed part 1.

Yeah, so not rid of those dreadful, painful Tori entries. ;)

Today's pick, first pick, is i i e e e - I do not have an absolutely favorite Tori Amos song (that's just impossible, sir), but i i e e e certainly ranks in my top 5 all-time-Tori-favs.

i i e e e was born some time in 1996, but was included in my fav album, from the choirgirl hotel, in 1998. To me, it talks about this raw ripped-open woman who is looking for answers and, at the same time, about being in denial when it comes to fucking up something that has beauty in it and well, pretty much everyone can relate to the feeling of the song and its lyrics. 

Musically, I do not believe Tori has done anything remotely alike. Also, the live version from Sessions at West 54th is, by far, the most heart-felt and impressive. That damn coda is otherwordly!! If you understand the way I feel, the whyyyiieee???? Gut-wrenching, I tell ya.

I'm including the airfetys version of this song, as well as the remixed (A Piano, box set, 2006) instrumental version and the original (from the choirgirl hotel, album, 1998) instrumental version. All three of these remixed by me.

Airfetys version: No cons. :) The changes are very subtle, but the piano and backing vocals are very upfront.
Remixed/Remastered instrumental: Pros: There is a guitar which is seemingly not present in the original version, towards the beginning of the song. The backing vocals are loud and clear. The main vocals all gone. The piano is very clear. Cons: The strings sound a bit muffled. Rats!
Original instrumental version: Pros: Strings are a bit clearer. It's a fucking mess. Cons: The main vocal track is very hard to get rid of, so I tried my best.
And just for kicks

Original lyrics:

with your E's 
and your ease
and I do one more
need a lip gloss boost
in your america
is it God's
is it your's
sweet saliva
with your E's
and your ease
and I do one more
I know we're dying
and there's no sign of a parachute
we scream in cathedrals
why can't it be beautiful
why does there
gotta be a sacrifice
just say yes
you little arsonist
you're so sure you can save
every hair on my chest
just say yes
you little arsonist
with your E's 
and your ease
and I do one more
well I know we're dying
and there's no sign of a parachute
in this chapel
little chapel of love
can't we get a little grace
and some elegance
no we scream in cathedrals
why can't it be beautiful
why does there
gotta be a sacrifice.

Stab at lyrics: I believe "E" is a reference to ecstasy, maybe?
"Need a lip gloss boost in your america" - I think she is talking about, again, patriarchy and how beauty is "the way to be accepted" in america (or, you know, "developed" socities). Which beauty can also be a metaphor for a general standardized way of looking at women.
Is is God's, is it yours? Sweet saliva (why is there an apostrophe in the booklet?) - I think she wonders if this way of thinking, referring back to beauty and society, is god-made or man-made.

I guess the rest is pretty self-explanatory - She, the arsonist, knows her demise. Yet, she is playing with fire. She knows that, at some extent, her decay is her own fault, but also blames God for it.

Happy listening. ;)

All set.

I play the violin on the streets for a living. My cat, Seattle, loves to watch me practise. I tried to play a song by Patrick Wolf today, but I haven't practised it enough.

At random times, I leave my house at dawn; I look for people whose will to live is almost non-existent. Last thursday, I ran into a guy who was just leaving a bar. He approached me, in fact; I seduced him with my thick voice, took him to a $4/pernight hotel room, had him undress. 
I always carry my violin with me, it helps me stay focused. 
I turned the lights off, opened my violin case, took out a knife.
I stabbed Enrique (that's the name he gave me- I didn't feel like doubting him), right through his vocal cords - I would probably grow very irritated if he started screaming- so that's what I always do first, aim for the cords.
He was mostly drunk, possibly doped, but I could see the shock on his face. I could also see the pain in his eyes- I do not enjoy that part, ever.
When I pulled the knife, I could feel a crackle on my side of it. It gave me chills.
I put my finger in his wound so he would chill out a little. He tried to beg, but couldn't.
Then I grabbed his arm, and started to peel his skin off with my knife. I must admit I do enjoy the feeling of skin being "unstuck" from the bones. It makes me feel alive, inspires me to write songs and the thrill just has no comparison.
He is still alive, just disoriented. I throw him on the bed, stomach up, and then start to peel his skin off his chest. The thrill is usually less or equal, when I am taking guts out. I do not enjoy the smell, but I have to get through the whole thing. Lucky for me I found Enrique with an almost empty stomach.
I have no interest in checking out his willy. It's probably ugly and surely smells like Miguel's poop.
Finally, I felt my way through his heart. I wonder, as I look at him in the eye, and while he's breathing his last breath, if this heart belongs (belonged?) to someone. I wonder if the reason he was drunk and miserable is a reflection of his heart being broken. Either way, I cut it out, and put it in the trash can, along with the broken condoms and toilet paper. Broken condoms keeping company to a broken heart. Almost metaphorical.
I shower, put on my clothes, wash my knife, put it back in my case, then leave the room. I like to think I did Enrique a favor.

Actually, I don't play music for a living, I live for playing music.
My wife and I had the having-kids conversation again yesterday. She refuses to believe my income is good enough for this.
My wife, she has long, black hair. She is a gorgeous woman.
I don't love her, but we share many things in common.
I might as well find me a dreamer.