Monday, May 18, 2009

Restrospectiva a 3 años de un gobierno Panista.

Recordará usted aquel spot repetidamente transmitido por la TV en que, conforme se erigía un muro de ladrillos, una voz fuera del campo visual de la pantalla decía: “Este es el segundo piso de la ciudad de México. ¿Cómo pagó López Obrador por él? Se endeudó. ¿Las pensiones? Se endeudó. Triplicó la deuda del DF. Si llega a Presidente nos va a endeudar más y vendrá una crisis económica, devaluación, desempleo…” En ese momento la pared se derrumba y la voz en off, crecientemente alarmada, concluye: “… Estos son los grandes planes de López Obrador, un peligro para México”. La propaganda, a unos meses de las elecciones presidenciales de 2006, era rubricada por el PAN. 

Al cabo de tres años, el terrible escenario advertido por el spot blanquiazul es una realidad, pero sin que López Obrador sea el Presidente. Crisis económica, devaluación, desempleo y endeudamiento postran al país pero con Felipe Calderón y el PAN al frente del gobierno. 

La crisis es una realidad inocultable y todo apunta a que nuestra economía se contraiga este año hasta 4%. Calderón y el PAN argumentan que la crisis viene de fuera, lo que es una verdad a medias, pues si bien estalló afuera del país, es expresión de decadencia de un modelo económico que Acción Nacional y los suyos no sólo han asumido como propio sino que son de los pocos en el mundo que todavía lo defienden. 

El desempleo resulta dolorosamente evidente. En agosto pasado alcanzó a un millón 890 mil personas (4.15% de la población económicamente activa). A esa cifra hay que sumar el medio millón de empleos que se perdieron en los primeros meses del año, de manera que los desempleados en México ya son cerca de los 2.5 millones. 

En lo que va del gobierno de Calderón el peso se ha devaluado más de 40%. La cotización frente al dólar era en diciembre de 2006 de casi 11 pesos y ayer cerró unos centavos abajo de los 14 pesos. 

Para estabilizar a nuestra moneda el Banco de México ha tenido que meter al mercado varios miles de millones de dólares. 

Y por lo que hace al endeudamiento, Calderón —quien en sus tiempos de presidente del PAN decía que endeudarse con el Fondo Monetario Internacional era una irresponsabilidad política— ha anunciado que su gobierno activará un préstamo de 47 mil millones de dólares con ese organismo internacional, lo que forma parte de lo que llama un blindaje para enviar un mensaje de seguridad a los inversionistas. Ese blindaje está conformado también por una línea de crédito por 30 mil millones de dólares abierta con la Reserva Federal de EU (FED) y por nuestras reservas internacionales de 80 mil millones de dólares. 

Del préstamo del FMI el secretario de Hacienda, Agustín Carstens, ha dicho que sólo se dispondrá de él en el peor de los escenarios, pero aun sin ser utilizado tendrá un costo para el erario. Además, de ingresar al Banco de México, éste, como es usual, lo guardará en bonos del tesoro estadounidense, con lo que nuestro país (como muchos otros) financia la quebrada economía de EU. 

De los 30 mil millones de dólares de la FED, el Banxico anunció el viernes pasado que dispondrá de los primeros 4 mil millones el próximo martes 21 de abril para subastarlos entre los bancos, lo que quiere decir que serán para que grandes empresas con problemas (casi todas ellas patrocinadoras de la candidatura de Calderón) dispongan de las divisas suficientes para vencer sus enormes e inminentes vencimientos de deuda. 

Según Hacienda, nuestra deuda externa pública es de 40 mil millones de dólares. A ello hay que sumar una cantidad similar que es la que se adjudica a organismos descentralizados como Pemex y la CFE. Hablamos entonces de 80 mil millones de dólares. Así que si Calderón utiliza los 47 mil millones del FMI y los 30 mil millones de la FED, casi habrá duplicado nuestra deuda externa. 

Raúl Rodríguez Cortés 
El Gráfico 
Miércoles 08 de abril de 2009 
Re-publicado sin fines de lucro.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Frases/Palabras que mantienen podrida a la sociedad.

Gente Bien - Erm. Y la gente mal, ¿quién es? ¿Acaso la gente que nunca sale en las revistas es la gente mal? Y, ¿quién decide esas cosas? Si tú dices gente bien, que no te sorprenda que le arrebate su máquina del tiempo a Marty McFly y le dé un buen uso regresando dos meses (como lo recomienda la Sociedad Mexicana de Salud Pública) antes de que tu madre se embarace y le regale botecitos de ácido fólico. Tal vez así no salgas con ese retraso mental severo que tienes.

Igual y Sí/Igual y... - Con tu indecisión, no me queda duda alguna de que fuiste tú quien besó al puerco (y no hablo de Adal Ramones).

Órale - Incluso Eugenio Derbez daba el avión con más gracia en su antipatiquísimo programa, en el segmento de los viejitos.

Buenazo - Sólo se usa en rancherías, establos y en la casa de Lyn May.

¿A qué te dedicas? - Sí, dejame saber exactamente quién eres basado solamente en tu profesión. No me interesa si sabes prenunciar, o si sabes cocinar, o si te gusta cierto tipo de árbol, o si te gusta el olor de la tierra mojada. Mejor dime, indirectamente, qué tan gordo es tu cheque. Esto pavimentará el camino para mi siguiente pregunta:

¿Eres act o pas? - Soy lo que tu rebomba puta madre me acostumbró a ser.

Haber (por "a ver") - Lee la siguiente frase.

Kualkier kosa eskrita así - Belladona - ¿la has probado? Dicen que es buena para la piel.

Fui yo el que te dije - ¿Tú juistesn el que me dijistesn? Nunca lo hubiera adivinado. 

Sabeeee - Es evidente que no sabes. Mejor mantén tu boquita cerradita.

Y bueno, para Steven que pidió foto, una foto inspirada por el nuevo álbum de Tori, Abnormally Attracted to Chin:

Monday, May 11, 2009

Tori Amos - Abnormally Attracted to Sin part 5.

Finally got my dirty paws on the full-lenght of the album (see previous entry) and I must say I find myself eating crow meat as it didn't suck half as much as I kind of expected it to.

This is how it'll work: I'll type in a first-impression review of sorts and I'll make it a compromise to come back in a month's time and post a different review. Why? Because this album is a grower, which is perfectly OK in my book. Both The Beekeeper and American Doll Posse were instant love for me, which of course worn out 48 hours later as I realized those albums were Tori by numbers and not at all inspired - the production sucked major donkey balls and the lyrics were belligerently brain-dead. Not to mention Mark's guitar playing skills (or lack thereof) were as depressing as seeing Katy Perry breathing.

I'll not talk about those dreadful visualettes (I downloaded 8 of them few days ago but couldn't be arsed to play them so I didn't hear those songs back then). I'll just pretend they never happened as I did with the The Beekeeper seed packet.

Give - Soo before the sun, before the sun beings to rise... Must admit that, even after being disappointed this track isn't original-sounding by any means, I had a soft spot for it. Especially since her vocal delivery is very strong, very vampiresque, as is the song itself. I really like the ambient-y sound of it, very Venus, if you ask me...and I like how the hiss-y/windy sound towards the end melts into Welcome to England. The piano is kind of bitchy. I can use bitchy piano. Concise, tight - not dragged-out (see: A Sorta Fairytale). Leaves me begging for more. Great album opener. Edit - Oh, OK. "Some whose give twists itself to take". 

Welcome to England - She recently said in an interview she had a hard time finding her place in England - and if I'm not remembering incorrectly, how she felt inadequate in her husband's social circles. Cars and Guitars could've made a really, really interesting song about this. It's evident she'd been struggling with this even before or around the time The Beekeeper came out (too obvious - Tori is into cars and Mark, well, he...seems to enjoy the guitar, even if in an amateurish fashion). 
I believe this song is her way of telling him, "you know, I got fucked over with all the taxes and the weather here is horrid but I'll just get over it. You are a dummy but you have a nice cock". Though I believe Tori's 12-inch cock may be veinier. This song is pretty innocuous - I like the synths and the second verse is fierce. The piano is also there, and that makes me happy. Too radio-friendly for my taste, but I do enjoy it. THANK YOU, TORI AMOS, FOR BRINGING THE BRIDGES BACK INTO YOUR MUSIC. 

Strong Black Vine - Dear me. I do like the strings. I think this song is Classic Cunty Tori™ - but for some reason it reminds me a lot of that P. Diddy song he recorded for the movie Godzilla. I can also see recycled lyrics/ from American Doll Posse here (Body and Soul) - I'll have to spend more time with this one to decide whether I love or loathe it.

Flavor - Well, well - This is, so far and by far, my favorite song on the thing. First time Tori's music gives me goosebumps since . . . Sweet Sangria? Her voice sounds very Massive Attack-y - I am blown away by the production. You must pick a side - will you choose fear? Will you choose love? - Very pertinent for me at this time. The beat is dreamy. This is one I think I'll love for years to come. I can't get over how good her voice sounds. How very unexpected. Piano. Finally, again, you can actually hear the damn piano.

Not Dying Today - Bwahaha! Dolphin Song's ugly, stumpy, unwed, middle-aged, pimply lonely aunt.

Maybe California - I don't know whether this song is about instrospection for her or just something she felt in the mood for writing. She's been married 11 years - somewhere along the way she must've felt like she made a huge mistake. Sounds very sad - too bad it's really freaking boring. Wish she had dumped the drums and just kept the strings.

Curtain Call - Heard this one a few days ago - The guitar is not all that offensive. I know this song is very well-done and pretty and has nice lyrics, but it just hasn't grabbed me. 

Fire to Your Plain - Madonna will sue you for stealing this track from her Bedtime Stories demo repertoire. I like the synths - too 90s. I'll make you a mix CD (or DVD or Bluray Disc) with songs that were released from 2001 onwards, dear.

Police Me - Yeah. No. 

That Guy - Didn't expect this song to be this good after reading the lyrics. Its feeling (vocals) is a bit choirgirl-y, I think. The strings are just perfection here. Mr. Shenale, is still as good as ever.

Abnormally Attracted to Sin - Had heard this one a few days ago - Wasn't sure it was picadillo she was talking about but . . . looks like she is. Very spacey, I like the bits in the background, especially since I can't make out what they are.

500 Miles - Even saying how much this song sucks is kind. Not Dying Today takes the cake, though.

Mary Jane - Bit like Regina Spektor's Baby Jesus or your own Velvet Revolution. Mary, Mary's of the Seas, Mary Jane - what's gonna be on the next album, Mary Magdalene? Cute song. Could've been a b-side.

Starling - Great start. I like that war-like beat in the background - You actually did try different sounds with this album - kudos to you. What? Wow. What's with the bridge? A bit odd. This album is indeed a bit stranger than I thought it'd be. Is this song about you being tired of what you do? The end is odd. Does this song fade out onto another and where is it? Very nice song - it'¡s all out there.

Fast Horse - Sounds like an ADP outtake. Does it eventually go somewhere? Make it stop?

Ophelia - Very nice piano. Relaxed vocals. Domestic violence?

Lady in Blue - Can't help but think she is the lady in blue (if I am not misremembering, she wore blue in her wedding). She has some blue references in older songs (Black-Dove, Never Seen Blue, et al). So you do have regrets, Tori, after all? Very nicely layered vocals.  This is actually much better than the live version. Can't wrap my mind around the need of the drums and bass on this track. It starts very beautifully and not forced. Very, very beautiful first 4 and a half minutes. Algthough I must say I do like the epic sound the band adds. Great album closer. First epic track since I Can't See New York. We'll see you in a month, Lady in Blue.

By no means the best album of the year (Patrick Wolf, anyone?). It is the right step from ADP and TBK, though, I feel. She needs to edit her albums better.
Select the songs that make more sense to you, woman. Donate Maybe Californias and Not Dying Todays to some charities or something. I believe, sadly, that even if everyone screamed from the rooftops that this is what you should do, you'll never do it. Who in the name of jeebus told you, woman, that singles are of no use anymore? Must've been than stupid husband of yours. Indie artists that sell 1/45826 of what you do have singles. With b-sides. Shock. Breathe. Think.
The lenght and the lazy, uninspiured songs are my bitch with this album. Overall, you did an excellent job, Tori Amos.

Today, my Abnormally Attracted to Sin sounds as follows:

Welcome to England
Curtain Call
That Guy
Abnormally Attracted to Sin
Lady in Blue

Bonus track (on special DVD with a 5.1 surround mix of the album thrown in there-hahahaha-):
Mary Jane.

10 tracks, Tori, not too difficult.

As of today, 7 out of 10 stars.

Give 'em a religion, baby.

Abnormally Attracted to Sin.